
mysql #1170错误(42000) BLOB/TEXT Column Used in Key Specification Without a Key Le


mysql  #1170错误(42000) BLOB/TEXT Column Used in Key Specification  Without  a  Key  Length


When creating a new table or altering an existing table with primary key,unique constraints and indexes ,or when defining  a new index with altering table manipulation statement in MySQL databases,the following error may occur and prohibit the command from completing:Error (42000) BLOB/TEXT Column Used in Key Specification  Without  a  Key  Length


the error happens because MySQL can index only the first N chars of a BLOB or TEXT column .So the error mainly happens when  there is a field or column type of TEXT or BLOB  or those belongs to TEXT,BLOB suchu as TINYTEXT,MEDIUMTEXT,LONGTEXT ,TINYBLOB,MEDIUMBLOB and LONGBLOB that you are trying to make as primary key or index.With full BLOB or TEXT without the length value,MySQL is unable to guarantee the uniqueness of the column as it's of variable and dynamic size.So,when using BLOB or TEXT types as index,the values of the N must be supplied so that MySQL can determine the key length.However ,MySQL doesn't support limit on TEXT/BLOB .TEXT(88) simply won't work.

错误发生的原因是因为MySQL只能将BLOB/TEXT类型字段设置索引为BLOB/TEXT数据的钱N个字符,因此错误常常发生在字段被定义为TEXT/BLOB类型或者和TEXT/BLOB同质的数据类型,如TINYTEXT,MEDIUMTEXT,LONGTEXT ,TINYBLOB,MEDIUMBLOB 和LONGBLOB,并且当前操作是将这个字段设置成主键或者是索引的操作。在未指定TEXT/BLOB‘键长’的情况下,字段是变动的并且是动态的大小所以MySQL不能够保证字段的唯一性。因此当使用TEXT/BLOB类型字段做为索引时,N的值必须提供出来才可以让MySQL决定键长,但是MySQL不支持在TEXT/BLOB限制,TEXT(88)是不行的。

the error will also popup when you try to convert a table column from non-TEXT and non-BLOB type such as VARCHAR and ENUM into TEXT or BLOB type,with the column already been defined as unique constraints or index ,the alter table commmand will fail.


the solution to the problem is to remove the index or unique constraint from the TEXT/BLOB column ,or set another field as primary key .If you can't do that ,and wanting to place a limit on the TEXT/BLOB column,try to user VARCHAR type and place a limit of length on it.Default,VARCHAR is limited to a maximum of 255 characters and its limit must be specified within a bracket right after is declaration ,i.e VARCHAR(200) will limit to 200 characters long only.


Sometimes,even though you don't use TEXT orBLOB related type in you table ,the error 1170 may also appear.It happens in situation such as when you specify VARCHAR column as primary key ,but wrongly set  its length or characters size.VARCHAR can only accept up to 256 characters but something like VARCHAR(512) will force MySQL auto-convert the VARCHAR(512) to a SMALLTEXT type ,which subsequently fail with error 1170 on key length if the column is used as primary key or unique or index.To solve this problem ,specify a figure less than 256 as the size of the VARCHAR field

有时候,即使你在数据表中不使用TEXT/BLOB类型或者同质类型,error1170 也会出现,这个问题出现在当你设置一个VARCHAR字段为主键,但是却错误的设置了长度或者字符数,事实上,VARCHAR只能接受最大为256个字符串,但是你错误的设置成VARCHAR(512)等一些错误的设置,这些错误的设置会强制MySQL自动将VARCHAR(512)等转换成SMALLINT类型,同时这个字段被设置成primary key ,unique限制或者index索引等,然后执行操作就出现error 1170错误,解决问题的方法,为VARCHAR域指定小于256的长度。


今天在写mysql建表语句的时候,发生了这样的错误:BLOB/TEXT column 'name' used in key specification without a key length。查阅资料后才知道,原来Mysql数据库对于BLOB/TEXT这样类型的数据结构只能索引前N个字符。所以这样的数据类型不能作为主键,也不能是UNIQUE的。所以要换成VARCH,但是VARCHAR类型的大小也不能大于255,当VARCHAR类型的字段大小如果大于255的时候也会转换成小的TEXT来处理。所以也同样有问题。
1 楼 IWSo 2014-05-13  



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